Student Care Centre (Singapore EduSmart Learning Hub)
With effect from 1st January 2024, South View Primary School’s School-based Student Care (SSC) will be managed by Singapore EduSmart Learning Hub.
About Singapore EduSmart Learning Hub (EduSmart)
Singapore EduSmart Learning Hub was established in 2012 to provide a structured and conducive learning environment for students after school hours. The SSC programme includes a holistic mix of Character Development, Enrichment Activities and Outdoor Activities. You may find out more information about Singapore EduSmart Learning Hub by clicking this link click here
Daily Schedule
• Primary 1

• Primary 2 and Primary 3

• Primary 4, Primary 5 and Primary 6

EduSmart Student Care - Registration of Interest
For parents who intend to enrol your child in the School-based Student
Care Centre at South View Primary School, please apply to Singapore EduSmart
Learning Hub via the following link: EduSmart Student Care - Registration of Interest by 15th of the month in
order to register for the next month. Registrations after the 15th will
be considered for the following month. (i.e. Submit registration by 15th Jan, registration considered for 1st February. Submit registration on 16th Jan, registration considered for 1st March) Please
note that as SSC vacancies are limited, the school will give priority to
families who are more in need of after-school care arrangements. The school
will evaluate your child's need for the SSC services and inform you the
outcome of your intent through our vendor, Singapore EduSmart Learning
Hub, by 22nd of the month.
Monthly SSC Fees
The monthly SSC fees in 2024 is $245.
The initial upfront fee consists of 1 month fee, deposit of $245 and registration
fee of $20. SSC T-shirt can be purchased at $11 per piece.
Our full-day SSC surcharge is $2 per day.
Assistance for needy families
We will assist eligible parents to apply for Student Care Financial Assistance,
administered by Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF). Please
refer to the website for
SCFA eligibility criteria
Operating Hours (Monday to Friday)
There is no change to the current operating hours, as follows:
School Term: After School to 7.00 p.m.
School Holidays: 7.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
The student care centre is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and gazetted public
EduSmart will also provide parents with more information on the centre’s
closure days through emails.