School Rules
Students of South View Primary School play an important role in maintaining a good image of the school.
The following information serves as useful guidelines to help every student measure up the standards of behaviour expected by the school. If a student misbehaves in or outside the school, disciplinary action will be taken against him/her and the incident will be recorded in the School Cockpit System.
School Hours
Day |
School Hours |
Monday - Friday |
7.30 am to 1.30 pm |
We start flag raising punctually at 7.30 am. It is a good habit for students to be in school by 7.30 am. Students who report after 7.30 am will be considered late for school.
National Anthem and Pledge
All students must attend the daily flag-raising ceremony.
Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge.
Students will take the pledge with the right fist over the heart.
All students are to stand at attention:
when the flag is raised or lowered,
when the National Anthem is being sung, and
during pledge-taking.
Personal Appearance
School Uniform
Students must attend school and all school activities in proper school uniform.
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
Students who report to school during the weekends and holidays must be in school uniform or in appropriate CCA attire.
Slippers, sandals and track shoes are prohibited unless permission is granted by the school.
Male students must be clean-shaven and neat in appearance.

PE Attire
The PE attire comprises:
School PE T-shirt with nametag sewn above the school crest; and
School running shorts/ skort (for girls)
All students are to wear the PE attire during PE lessons and CCA sessions.
Use of PE Attire
Students are allowed to wear their PE attire for the whole day if there is PE for the day.
Girls are only allowed to be in their running shorts during PE lessons. Skirts need to be worn at all times otherwise.
PE t-shirt must be tucked in at all times.
Fingernails must be kept short and clean.
Use of nail polish is not allowed.
Students are only allowed to wear spectacles with clear lenses. Outlandish coloured spectacle frames are not allowed.
No jewellery or any form or adornment is to be worn in school.
Boys are not allowed to pierce ear holes or wear earrings/studs.
Girls are allowed to wear only one pair of gold/silver studs. Fanciful studs are not allowed.
Hair should be kept short and neat and must not touch the ears and collar.
Fringe should not fall on the forehead nor touch the eyebrows.
Extreme hairstyles and dyeing/highlighting of hair are strictly not allowed.
Boys must be clean shaven; beards, moustaches and long side-burns are not allowed.
“Skin-head” haircut is not allowed unless permission has been granted by the school.
Hair should be kept neat and tidy.
Fringe must be above the eyebrows. Long fringe must be pinned up neatly using black clips.
Shoulder length hair must be tied up using only black or dark blue ribbons/hair band.
Dyeing/highlighting of hair is strictly not allowed.

Personal Conduct – Uphold the Core Values of the School
Students are expected to:
Be honest (Integrity)
Show care and concern to others (Care and Concern)
Greet everyone they meet (Respect)
Complete all homework or tasks given (Resilience)
Behave at all times and cooperate with teachers/staff and prefects to maintain discipline in school (Responsibility)
Behaviour in the canteen
Queue when buying food/drinks in the canteen.
Consume food and drinks only in the canteen.
Return crockery and empty cups/glasses to the pails/basins provided.
Throw all plastic wrappers, bottles and rubbish into waste bins.
Refrain from playing or running in the canteen.
Do a wipe down after eating.
Absence from School
A student who is absent must submit either a medical certificate or a letter (up to 5 per semester) from his parent/guardian to his/her form teacher on the day he/she returns to school. Parents are also encouraged to give the school a call or, send an email or message to inform of their child’s absence.
Absence from examinations and tests must be covered by a medical certificate or other relevant official documents. Doctors will need to include the diagnosis of illness in the medical certificate.
Late for School/Late for Class/Skipping lesson
A student will be considered late for school if he/she arrives in school after 7.30 am. All students are strongly encouraged to be in school by 7.30 am.
Students must remain within the school grounds once they have reported to school.
Disciplinary action will be taken against students who are late for school, class, supplementary/ remedial lessons or play truant.
School Property
All books, sports equipment and items loaned from the school must be handled with care and returned in good condition after use.
Students are not allowed to enter any rooms unless accompanied by a teacher.
Students are not allowed to bring home school property unless given permission by a teacher.
Examination Matters
Possession of notes, copying from others or allowing others to copy during examinations or tests is a very serious offence. Students found cheating or attempting to cheat during tests or examinations will be dealt with severely.
Students are not allowed to bring their mobile phones/devices to school during examination/PSLE days. Such devices will be collected and returned to the student at the end of the day.
Care for Personal Belongings
Students are responsible for their own personal belongings and should avoid bringing valuables or excessive amounts of money to school.
Possession of Weapons
Students are not allowed to have any weapons in their possession. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like items which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
Examples of such items:
Pen knife/Knife
Metal ruler
Comb with pointed end
Scissors (school will provide students with scissors if there is a need to use them)
Items Prohibited in School
The following items must not be brought to school:
Portable gaming console (PSP/NDS etc.)
Card games/trading cards
Laser pointers
Any other items which are deemed as a distraction or dangerous.
Electronics Devices (Smartphones and Smartwatches)
Students are not to use personal digital devices, including smartphones, during school hours including recess, CCA and after-school programmes (e.g. supplementary/ enrichment/remedial lessons). Students who bring such devices are to put them in their school bags before school start time. The devices must be switched off when the students are in school. Students should bear responsibility for safekeeping of devices. The school will not be held responsible for any loss of smartphones.
Students wearing smartwatches, with camera and call functions, are to keep them in the school bag during curriculum hours. They will only be allowed to wear it if the camera and call functions are disabled.
Students are not allowed to use his/her smartphones or the smartwatches’ camera and call functions at all areas as long as they are within the school compounds. Students found using these devices in school without valid reason will have the items confiscated. The confiscated items will be returned only to parents.
Discipline Policy - Offences & Consequences
Discipline and good character are the hallmarks of a Southvien. The school
categorises offences into 3 stages: Stage 1 for minor offences, Stage 2
for major offences and Stage 3 for very serious offences. The school will
take one or more of the following actions when students misbehave.

Additional Notes:
FAIR conduct
When the student’s name is captured in the School Offence Module, he/ she may be given a FAIR conduct grade depending on the severity of the offence committed.
Repeated Offences
Repeated offences will be recorded and captured in the School Offence Module in the School Cockpit System.
The school may also implement measures such as counselling, caning and suspension for repeated offences and for Stage 2 and Stage 3 offences. The school will inform parents before proceeding with any of the measures.
Use of Electronic Devices (Mobile Phones and Smart Watches)
Unauthorised use of personal mobile phones/ smart watches (with camera and call functions) is not allowed during official school activities e.g. curriculum time, learning journeys, CCA, supplementary lessons, recess/lunch.
These items will be confiscated and only returned to the parent(s) personally if unauthorised use is found. Students may be furthered barred from bringing such items to school. Repeated offenders from 2nd time onwards will sign a contract with school and the devices will be confiscated until end of semester.
Page updated on: 31 January 2025